Village Administration


From time immemorial the Yimkhiungru villages practiced Democratic form of village administration. Each village had a Headman – popularly known as the Chieftain. Normally, the village chief would be the the founder of the village. He was assisted by other elders and co-founder/s of the village. In Yimkhiungru dialect the village chief is commonly known as the “Kiulong-thsupuh”. In all meetings, assemblies and court cases-matters, he would chair and he yielded the final authority to decide even the most serious issues or cases- criminal and civil. He adjudicates and settles different nature of cases in the village and the verdict/decree pronounced by him is final and binding although necessary consultations is sought from other elders and leaders. He is the guardian and decision maker in all aspects- such as, social, political, religious, culture & tradition, customary laws and so forth and assisted by elders and leaders representing the Clans and Khels.

In recent times, with the establishment of the present form of government, the village head man popularly is known as the Head Gaon Bura and his Deputy as the 2nd Gaon Bura and others as Gaon Buras. Each village has village Council headed by a Council chairman and secretary. The HD GB and his GBs are also part and parcel of the Village Council. All village matters pertaining to development, settlement of cases and other issues are taken up by the village Council which functions basing on the customary rules and regulations as well as keeping in mind the laws and rules made by the popular government of the day. In some villages the HD GB functions dual duties – as the village chief as well as village Council Chairman, but depending upon the decision of the majority of the elders and village functionaries. All HD Gbs and GBs are issued with a red blanket and a red waist coat by the government. The red colour signifies and implies power and authority and as a representative of the government. Name tags are also displayed on their waist coat.

Although, the village Councils are empowered to try all type of cases both civil and criminal in nature and has authority and power to adjudicate the cases, the judgement is not final and binding upon the accused and the plaintiff. Any aggrieved party has liberty to approach the government courts to redress their grievances. The amazing aspect and the beauty is that, one can settle their disputes either in customary courts or in government courts. Both are acceptable to the people. This privilege is nowhere available in any place in India. This is a special provision made available to the Naga people in Indian constitution under article 371 (a).