Yimkhiung Gazetted Officers’ Association (YGOA)

MOTTO: “Rise and progress”


The Yimkhiung government servants did not have any gazetted officers’ forum or association till the early 2000 AD. In the  mid 1960’s, a group of 115 Yimkhiung UGs from the Yimchunger Region surrendered to the government of India led by late K.M Caming and P. Thsamphu and formed the 1 NAP Bn at Chumukedima: they began formation of Yimkhiung Service Union (YSU) – to look after and tend to the welfare and needs of the members of the union. The union was confined to those members serving in Chumukedima.  The union was nondescript and performed limited functions. However, it served its purpose by uniting and cementing the Yimkhiung people living in Chumukedima those formative years. The union existed for many years and outlived its purpose when the more – numerical Yimkhiung people residing at Chumukedima decided to rename it to Yimkhiung Arih Ako Chumukedima (YAC), which functions till today.

Therefore, the idea, concept and desire to form the Yimkhiung Gazetted Officers’ Association was mooted, formulated and given credence to hoist its maiden gathering in the year 1995 at Shamatore by few Yimkhiung Officers led by late Dr Akiuba M O Shamatore, Keozih CDPO Shamatore, Richard Yimto SDPO/Coy Commander Shamatore and Z.Z Yimkhiung MTO Police. However, due to in-attendance and apathy of the rest Yimkhiung Officers serving then, the proposed gathering was cancelled. Thereafter, for so many years the serving Yimkhiung gazetted officers did not claim to have its union being formed.

It was only in 2006, late Akhüm BDO with few of his colleague officers from the Yimkhiung community re-ignited and infused with zeal formed the Yimkhiung Gazetted Officers’ Association; which thereafter survived as on date, although the conference/meeting/gathering was and is held intermittently. As on date the YGOA’s record show holding of more than 120 Gazetted Officers – past and present.


  • The YGOA is formed by members of the Yimkhiung Gazetted Officers.
  • Focus to protect the rights, interest and welfare of the YGOA members.
  • Aim to foster unity, oneness, camaderie and brotherhood of the members.
  • Agree to support in possible matters whenever attendance, advice and other forms of assistance is sought by the YTC, YBBA, YAA, YWO and other frontal organizations.
  • To represent in all meetings called by the government, and frontal organizations with regards to subject matters requiring the attention of the YGOA.
  • As an organization of the elite, educated Yimkhiungrüs, YGOA envisages and encourages exemplary – acceptable character, good moral and uprightness of members for the younger generations to emulate.
  • To express and remain in solidarity with the myriad problems of the Yimkhiung tribe from within and without.
  • To contribute and assist the tribe in whatever manner possible for the peace, progress, up – liftmen, development and growth in every sphere.
  • Any other assistance and intervention of the YGOA sought that is not mentioned here above.



Sl noNameDesignationCell phone no
Vice President
03General Secretary
Joint Secretary
05Finance Secretary