Yimkhiung Akherü Arihako (YAA)




Yimchunger Akherü Arihako (YAA)
 Yimkhiung Akherü Arihako (YAA)





The Yimkhiung Akherü Arihako (YAA), the erstwhile Yimkhiung Students’ Conference (YSC) was originally conceived in October, 1952 where few like-minded intellectuals gathered at Kiussor Village and resolved to coin its nomenclature called the “Yimkhiungrü Students’ Conference”. Consequently, the first meeting was held on 28th February, 1953 at Thsotokur Village. Thereafter, Office bearers were selected among them with P.Thsamphu, Huker Village as the Chairman. Under his leadership, the second meeting was held at Kiussor village in 1954 and the new YSC office bearers were constituted with K.Züngküm, as the Chairman. During the initial years, confrontation between the Naga National Council and Indian Army ensued relentlessly; hence, there were no gatherings/meetings during those turbulent years. After a period of four years or so – in 1959, a meeting was convened at Shamator Town and the new office bearers was inducted headed by K.M. Caming as the Chairman. However, the ebb and flow of armed conflicts in Yimkhiungrü region deterred the normal functioning of the YSC and therefore, remained moribund till 1965.

            Albeit, its formation on 28th February, 1953 at Thsotokur village; the YSC was restored to normal functioning only on 7th January, 1966 at Shamator Town as per the YSC Silver Jubilee (Souvenir) held on 18th January, 1991 at Thsotokur Village. Since then,  and thus far, the integrity and legacy of the YAA has been upholding through its successive office bearers. And in commemoration for attaining 50th glorious years of its existence have marked its Golden Jubilee on 18th-20th January, 2016 at Shamator Town.

            Whilst the YAA, in earnest, strives in the vanguard of the progress of student community is committed in bringing about a paradigm shift.

“Towards a Better Perspective”



  1.  To motivate and encourage students to excel in academic field.

  2. To organize different co-curricular activities and provide platform for excellency in

       varied dimension.

iii.   To emphasis on education sector and collaborate with the government to ensure to  

       access to education facilities.

  1. To foster peace, unity and integrity among the students community.

  2. To maintain just and honourable relation with neighboring tribes and Nagas at large.

  3.  To preserve and promote the vibrant and rich cultural heritage of our tribe.

vii.  To protect and safeguard the rights and privileges, collective and diverse interest of

       students community and fight for the equality and justice in different domains.

viii. To monitor the developmental activities and government sponsored programmes

        initiated by the esteem stake holders.

  1. To conserve and preserve the rich natural resources and check the illicit


  1. To render cooperation with the tribal Hoho – YTC and other frontal organizations and work

        collectively towards achieving the common goal.

  1. To fight against injustice and render humanity service.

xii.  To encourage settlement of disputes by mutual understanding.

xiii. To initiate necessary acts, this can be incidental/circumstantial or conducive

        towards the attainment of the union objectives.  


The YAA Officials for the Tenure 2021-23:




YAA Anthem

                                                         Atungbuhnü kheah atsü lomi thrün,

        Kheahneibey lümshe lomi awung,

        Adükhün akuk awung sangrung nü sündo bah,

        Shodo lomi khülang Müngüh jih.


                                                      Ani akhiuk lim müzüng achang nü,

        Anyi wüzah lim Awung bonü,

        Khamdobah Isa Yimkhiungrü Lomi ha,

        Yinchi lo suna lo thsakham jih.


                                                             Lünnü amü-ngahbe murung keinü,

        Chingnü bukkhit khi thürak kei,

        Likhimro kei shodo tsün akhiuk pung,

        Haju kei lünnü amüngüh bey.


                                                            Yimkhiung lomi Saramati awung,

        Lünnü amükheahmihbe awung,

        Keinülim Herübwung Shayih guthran,

        Chinzyin dülang lanei khi lomi.